When you are trying to lower your scores on the golf course, getting your chip shots, pitch shots and bunker shots dialed in is the best way to do so. Knowing your golf wedge degrees and how your clubs lofts Let’s dive into what golf wedge the average golfer should chip with around the green on the course.
The average golfer will get the best results when they chip with a gap or pitching wedge. For standard chips, a gap or pitching wedge is the best choice. However, a pitching/pitching wedge may be better for a ball that’s sitting in the rough.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be the same for everyone. You might add loft as you improve to better control the ball. The average golfer will have the most margin for error by using less loft and getting the ball to the green as soon as possible. Let’s dive into the numbers.
If you’re looking to add some new wedges to your bag, you need to pick the right wedge for your game. Are you just starting out in the game of golf? These are the best wedges for the average player. If you are a mid to low handicap player, these are the best wedge for advanced golfers.
Best Golf Wedges To Use Around The Green
Golfers of average ability should use wedges with low loft whenever possible. These include a gap wedge or a pitching wedge. This reduces the risk of blading, or fatting, the chip. When chipping over obstacles, or downslopes, it is best to use a sand or lob wedge with a higher loft.
Three main types of shots are possible from the green:
- The bump-and-run
- The high chip shot
- The flopshot
You may have to choose from any of these depending on the position of your ball next to the green.
We’ll discuss which wedges to use for each shot around the green.
What Degree are My Golf Wedges?
Golf Wedge Degree Chart and Distances
Pitching wedge – 45 degrees – Distance Avg (100 – 135 yards)
Gap Wedge – 52 degrees – Distance Avg (90 – 120 yards)
Sand Wedge – 56 degrees – Distance Avg (80 – 100 yards)
Lob Wedge – 60 degrees – Distance Avg (60 – 90 yards)
What Degree Is a Sand Wedge?
The sand-wedge loft, also known as the 56-degree wedge, is between 54 and 58 degrees. It can be used to get out of bunkers or sand-traps, but despite the name, it does not have to only be used in the sand. Sand wedges have a round bottom to allow them to slide easily through the sand. They are also more forgiving of inaccurate shots because the rounded bottom produces a greater degree bounce. Sand wedges can travel up to 100 yards depending on the lie of your ball and whether you are hitting from grass or sand. They’re a versatile club and your favorite for chipping.
What Degree Is a Pitching Wedge?
All golf sets include a pitching wedge. This is because the pitching wedge has a loft of 45 to 48 degrees, which is the lowest among all of the wedges. It also offers the largest range of any wedge type. The pitching wedge is used to make longer shots up to about 135 yards.
What Degree Is an Approach Wedge?
What degree would you call an approach wedge then? The loft of an approach wedge can range from 49 deg to 55 deg. Most approach wedges are 52 degrees.
Mostly known as the “A” wedge or just the “A”, is a wedge that fills in the gap between the sand and pitching wedge. The pitching wedge is 48 degrees and the sand-wedge is 58 degrees, so it’s easy to see why manufacturers wanted a wedge in the middle.
Some people may refer to an approach wedge by the name of an attack wedge.
What Degree Is a Lob Wedge?
A lob wedge has 60 degree or higher on the golf club. A 60 degree wedge is a great choice of wedges to chip with, golfers should learn how to chip with all different wedges from different spots around the green. When you’re chipping with a 60 degree, you will notice a higher golf shot due to the loft on the golf club. Using a 60 degree wedge, you will also notice that the golf ball with have more spin on it cause it to stop on the green rather quickly.
When trying to hit it on green out of the rough with not much green to work with, a 60 degree lob wedge is a great choice of club. The loft on the club will give you more control, although the grass in the rough will more than likely get in between the club face and the ball causing the ball to roll out once it lands on the green.
Once you get comfortable hitting a 60 degree off the fairway and around the green, you will want to learn how to hit a 60 degree wedge out of the sand trap/bunker. Using a 60 degree wedge out of the bunker can be a very versatile option for you on sand shots. The loft on the club will allow you to get the golf ball up and out of the trap quicker than a sand wedge. You can hit sand shots with a 60 degree wedge with a square face and pop it out (old school methods) or you can open the face, sliding the club through the sand, under the ball, providing a quick vertical trajectory onto the green.
What degree wedge do pros chip with?
What club do the majority of pros use to hit touchy 20-30 yard chip shots around the green? The majority of pros will use either a 56 degree wedge (sand wedge) or a 60 degree wedge (lob wedge).
Should you chip with a pitching wedge or sand wedge?
A pitching wedge will keep the ball lower to ground and roll out further. So, if you have a lot of green to work with you can use a pitching wedge so that the ball will roll out like a putt after it lands on the green. A sand wedge will give you a bit more spin on the ball causing it to stop quicker after it lands.
Should I chip with a 52 degree wedge?
This just depends on what type of shot you need to play and how much green you have to work with. If you have a lot of green to work with and want the ball to roll out after it lands on the green then, yes a 52 degree wedge is a good club selection.
Can you chip with a 7 iron?
Absolutely! A 7 iron has 34-35 degrees of loft. A 7 iron chip shot is great for bump and run shots around the green. If you tend to hit other wedges inconsistent then give a 7 or 8 iron a try next time you’re chipping around the green.